Valued Beyond Measure.

But, the scars of our past remain. And so my nasty scar remained. An ever-present reminder that I have an ugly past in which I did not know my value as a person. Every once in a while, I would find myself struggling, triggered by something from my past that followed me to my current life and the feelings of worthlessness would slip in.
Just as there was a physical scar on my body, so too, was there one in my mind.

Backwards Living

Backwards Living: The more I think of me, the less happy I feel. The more I think I deserve this, then I realize I also deserve that too! The more I think of my own wants, the less I think of others. It’s a vicious cycle, isn’t it?

The Miracle of the Shepherds

The book of Luke tells of Jesus’ birth in great detail. After Mary gives birth to Jesus and lays him in the manger, the story moves onto the shepherds in the field, saying: “That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appearedContinue reading “The Miracle of the Shepherds”

The Disservice of the Baby in the Manger

On my last birthday I turned 31. My mother didn’t whip out the old family photo album to show me photos of my infancy, or tell me stories about her decision to have me, or her pregnancy cravings. Instead, she (and others) celebrated who I am today: a 31 year old woman that is marriedContinue reading “The Disservice of the Baby in the Manger”

Are you mad at God?

God is the God of the universe, He can handle your anger. Go ahead and tell Him. Tell Him why you’re angry. Tell Him why you feel betrayed. Tell Him why your upset and let Him work through that. You will never resolve anything by hiding the truth from God.